Introducing our Big Beautiful Girl "Taya "
Taya is a very welcome addition to our stormlake family .
Taya is a big bouncy happy go lucky girl , she has fantastic bone ,coat and substance .
Taya has a wonderful full of fun character , often naughty and vocal when she wants something, but always wanting to please.
Taya is very much a loyal, loving family dog she is not really interested in anything except us , her buddies and her ball !! she adores my young daughter and will play ball all day .
Taya is very intelligent , eager to please and a quick learner she has done well at the GSD Rally's.
winning first places in minor puppy classes and Best coloured longcoat puppy in show at Nottingham walcss.
Taya holds her Bronze KC good citizen award .
We are Delighted that our Gorgeous Girl Taya and her Tiny friend Tinkabell appear in the new Raw feeding Handbook written by Ann Ridyard
Height 27" to shoulder
Weight - approx 39 kilo's
Colour - Black Bi Colour
Bva Hip score 3:4 Total 7